The 150 Chicago-area speakers with profiles on really offer their expertise without a fee in a community service project that has been growing for the past 20 years.
“This service is a win-win,” Richardson said. “The speakers have a lot to share and are giving back to their community and they’re also doing networking and marketing and being known as an expert. And the groups have a tremendous need for speakers and to bring new knowledge into their organizations.”
Richardson said his mother and business partner, Ginny Richardson of Ginny Richardson Public Relations, created the free speakers’ bureau out of a small list of personal contacts, people she suggested when she heard someone was in need of a speech.
“This is 100 percent community service for us,” Richardson said. “It has not ever made money. That’s not its intent.”
Richardson said the service’s increasing popularity proves free can be real.
“There is a whole lot of good free stuff in the world,” he said.
Read the full story in the Daily Herald >>
By Marie Wilson
Daily Herald – January 24, 2016